Kickstarter success- the Delta Six game controller

In this short article I will share the success story of an attractive game controller developed by the creator of the DEF-CON F4 Avenger.

The controller (the Delta Six) is, for those not familiar with it, an assault rifle shaped game controller that works on the PC, Xbox and PS3. It is one of the most detailed and luxurious game controllers on the market and it shows. From the moment you see how it is packaged, to the various options and design, you soon get a feel that this is a gaming tool for the elite.

But enough about the gun, let’s talk about the man. The man behind this project is named David Kotkin and this was not his first project. After a few success stories he tried something ambitious and it worked.

He presented the project on the crowd funding platform called Kickstarter in 2013 and was able to almost double the investment from the funders, who raised a bit under 200k for the project. It was well funded as you can see and the project saw fruition. The gun is out now and it is a top gaming controller that only a few can hope to own.

But why would you own such a quality and expensive controller? The answer is immersion! The controller is just what you need to take your FPS gaming to a new height. It provides all the functionality you would expect from a modern game controller with the look and feel of a rifle.

I would definitely recommend it to any gamers out there!



